Merry Christmas Eve!!! We have reached the end of our devotional and my favorite day of the Christmas season. I love the quiet reverence of Christmas Eve. The candles, the songs, the focus on Mary, Joseph, the angels and shepherds. Just as God pierced the darkness with his light of life at creation, he once again bursts forth in light at the birth of his son. It’s easy to miss, though. Most missed it when Christ was born. They were busily traveling for the census, hurriedly going on with their lives, looking for a political rescue. Let’s quiet down in chaos and open our hearts and minds to this tender moment when God’s Light breaks into our darkness with a newborn cry. Let’s put aside the consumer Christmas focus until tomorrow and today be in awe of our God! This song is another newer one to me and I love it! Here’s a link to a beautiful video of it.
I’ve loved this journey of Emmanuel with you and am so thankful for each and everyone of you who took this journey through the Bible with me. Merry Christmas! Father God, thank you for breaking into our darkness with your glorious light. We pray today that you’d help us to pause and focus on you, on our Savior, on Emmanuel, God with us. Thank you that we belong to you. Thank you that you pour your strength into us in our struggles. Thank you to that we are never alone. Today, help us to trust you and to rest in you, to celebrate your glorious salvation for us. Emmanuel (Hallowed Manger Ground) What hope we hold this starlit night A King is born in Bethlehem Our journey long, we seek the light That leads to the hallowed manger ground What fear we felt in the silent age Four-hundred years can He be found But broken by a baby's cry Rejoice in the hallowed manger ground Emmanuel, Emmanuel God incarnate, here to dwell Emmanuel, Emmanuel Praise His name Emmanuel The son of God, here born to bleed A crown of thorns would pierce His brow And we beheld this offering Exalted now the King of kings Praise God for the hallowed manger ground Emmanuel, Emmanuel God incarnate, here to dwell Emmanuel, Emmanuel Praise His name Emmanuel Oh, praise His name Emmanuel Oh, praise His name Emmanuel By Chris Tomlin and Ed Cash
An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them. Luke 2:9
I wonder why God chose to announce Jesus’s birth to the shepherds. The angels could have appeared to the priests in the temple a couple miles from Bethlehem. Or to some townsfolk who were devout Jews. Instead he chose the open field where a group of bottom dwelling sheep herders huddled by a fire. The angel appeared and the glory of the Lord shone around them…not just the angel and choirs but God’s own glory shines in brilliant light. God’s glory is present with these outcasts, these low-lifes, these men sleeping under the stars outside of town. God’s message---good news for ALL people…our Savior is born! These lonely, isolated, rough shepherds get to be a part of Jesus’s humble beginning. They get to share this experience for the rest of their lives. They go from terrified men to praising testimonies of the good news! God with them changed them as well! Let’s ask God to shine his glory on our hearts and build courage and purpose in us just as he did with the shepherds. Father, thank you for choosing the least of these through out your life and ministry. It’s encouraging to know that it’s not only the perfect and put together who get to experience your glory. The everyday people, the obscure, ordinary. Us. Lord, we need a Savior as much today as the nation of Israel needed back then. We ask that you’d shine your glory light into our souls and that we’d shine your love and compassion in this world. Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid… Matthew 1:20 I’ve never really taken the time to take Joseph’s perspective. He’s a grown man whose teenage wife-to-be is scandalously pregnant. To make things worse, she’s saying God got her pregnant. In his “kindness”, he plans to divorce her quietly rather than making a big deal in their tiny village of Nazareth. (Not sure small-town life is ever quietly done…pretty sure all would know and talk anyway). Joseph must be hurt, upset and think Mary has gone CRA-zy! Then the angel appears to him in a dream to tell him not to be afraid of joining his life with Mary's and that the baby is indeed from God. When he wakes up, Joseph is a changed man. I wonder how his view of Mary changed in that moment, from loose lunatic to chosen mother of God’s own Son. I bet he is in awe of her position and respects her more for it. He instantly, courageously obeys the angel’s message, takes Mary to be his wife, no more doubts. He accepts this new shared adventure with Mary. He submits to the interruption of God in their life plans. Up until this point, I imagine he had a life path laid out before them in Nazareth…carpentry, small village life, kids, family, obscurity. In the blink of an eye that cozy plan is upended and they spend the next years running from murderous kings, hiding out in Egypt, and finally years later back to their home town where few would believe their story. Joseph becomes Jesus’s earthly protector. From here on out he follows each call of the angel in his dreams. I want to be more like Joseph, able to flex when God interrupts my plans and rise to the challenge of whatever He calls me to because he is with me as he was with Joseph. Thank you, Emmanuel, for your presence with Joseph, for appearing to him just how he needed and changing his heart. Thank you for meeting us where we are as well. We pray that you’d help us to be more like Joseph today, to allow your life interruptions to mold us into your people. Oh, Father, help us to trust you even when we don’t understand all the details that lay before us. The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you, so the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Luke 1:35
Mary, a poor teenage girl from a village far from anywhere important. God sends an angel to her to announce the most defining moment of her life. She is to mother the Son of God! The angel's words "The Holy Spirit will come upon you" and "overshadow you" have always seemed mysterious to me. I really don't know what they mean except that by the creative life-giving power of God, cells inside Mary began to divide and cleave and grow into God. When I was pregnant with my three kids, I loved getting to feel them move inside me. I loved imagining what they would be like and how life would go for them. Can you imagine knowing that for nine months, God himself is growing inside you. That it is God who is kicking you in the ribs, God who makes you crave ice cream and have a crazy sense of smell. The very bump that brings ridicule and judgement in her community is really her growing God belly. Now, we are not going to be pregnant with God, but what if we allowed him to interrupt our lives with his call and basked in his perpetual Presence as Mary did? How would that change your self-worth, your inner monologue, your responses to your family and community? It would sure change me, grow my confidence, and give me a peace that is solid despite the struggles of each day. I wish I could sit and chat with Mary and listen to her reflections on life with Jesus. Lord, thank you for coming as a fragile baby, for taking on our humanity, for understanding us. We pray that you'd help us submit to your interruptions in our lives. Help us to let you fill us with your Spirit in re-make us into your children. May your Holy Spirit overflow us and ignite us with a passion for your life and purpose and glory. Help us to be more like Mary today. Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people and God himself will be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:3
Near the end of the book of Revelation, John sees the new heaven and the new earth. The old order of things has passed away and God is making all things new. From his throne, God calls out the words of our verse today. I hear echoes of our past devotion in this verse. God first dwelt with the people in the tabernacle, meeting with Moses there. The next sentence reminds me of our belonging to God and his belonging to us. Throughout this month, when I’ve turned my mind to “God and I belong to each other,” peace and calm and confidence wash over me. Our worth lies in that belonging no matter how poorly or well we perform in our daily tasks. The last two sentences of this verse take my thoughts back to Jesus with the shamed and forgotten. His compassion pours out to us. Oh, how I long for God to wipe every tear from our eyes and end death and grief and broken hearts. This season is yet to come. We are in still in what C.S. Lewis referred to as the Shadowlands, a valley mixed with painful grief and great joy. I am thankful that as we continue in this valley, we are not alone. Emmanuel understands our pain. He lived it. He offers us his compassion and love and grace and power. His presence is our peace and sure foundation. Emmanuel, thank you for a glimpse at the new order of life! And thank you that while we wait in our tears and suffering, that you are with us. Thank you for understanding our pain and grief. We pray that you’d fill us with your joy and peace despite the circumstances that surround us. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20
Jesus’s last words to his disciples: I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS. Emmanuel until the end and beyond. He gives them their assignment…go and make disciples, baptizing them, and teaching them. I imagine their excitement for their purpose and mission, but terrified as well. They just witnessed Jesus’s death at the hands of the Jews and Romans. If I had been on that mountain with them, I think I’d have felt a bit like Moses when God threatened to not continue with them. Like, “Hang on a minute. I cannot do this without you here, without your power, courage, and presence.” Jesus knows the hearts of people. He knew what Moses needed way back when, he knows what his disciples need, and he knows today what you and I need…his presence. One thing has stuck with me in this study…when God is WITH a person or group, there is mighty power shown. This promise extends to us…to the very end of the age. Jesus is WITH us through the Holy Spirit! His power and might and wisdom and compassion are all available to us in what he has called us to…working, mothering, ministering, caring for parents, teaching. Whatever our call, God is WITH us! Let’s ask him to come into all the dimensions of our lives and display his perpetual Presence. Lord Jesus, thank you for not leaving us alone to carry on the purpose you’ve given to us. Thank you for the power of your presence in our lives. We pray that we would be consciously aware of you with us in each moment. Help us to believe in the power of your Presence. In the calls you’ve given to us, help us to trust you to provide what we need and lean not on our own understanding. Thank you for being our Emmanuel. I can’t believe we are only a week away from Christmas now. As we get closer to Christmas, we will look at Jesus’ birth and spend a day focusing on how God was present with Mary, Joseph, and then the angels. For today, let’s reflect on this month of Emmanuel so far. How has focusing on God being with us encouraged, challenged, or grown you? Personally, I need constant reminders of the one concept God is teaching me—like writing a devotional everyday! Even still, I forget he is WITH me, Emmanuel. When I stop and think of all the stories we’ve studied and the misfits of people God showed himself present to, my heart warms with God’s presence with me. I can still see Jesus gazing down at me wanting to know what I want him to do for me from Saturday’s devotional. I feel a deep security in knowing that I belong to God and He belongs to me. Take time today to look back over the month of devotions and reflect on how Emmanuel is WITH you. Feel free to share your reflections in the comments!
Classic Christmas songs are my the soundtrack to my Decembers, but this year another song has won over my heart. Lauren Daigle's "Light of the World" has come on several times while I've been working on my lettering projects for this devotional. It echoes with Emmanuel all over it. Today, I encourage you to watch this song on youtube and reflect on the beautiful lyrics and music. I'd love to hear your reflections of the song in the comments below! Happy Sunday!
Light of the World by Lauren Daigle The world waits for a miracle The heart longs for a little bit of hope Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel A child prays for peace on Earth And she's calling out from a sea of hurt Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel And can you hear the angels singing Glory to the light of the world Glory, the light of the world is here The drought breaks with the tears of a mother A baby's cry is the sound of love Come down, come down, Emmanuel He is the song for the suffering He is Messiah, the Prince of Peace has come He has come, Emmanuel Glory to the light of the world Glory to the light of the world Glory to the light of the world Glory to the light of the world For all who wait For all who hunger For all who've prayed For all who wonder Behold your King Behold Messiah Emmanuel, Emmanuel Glo-glory to the light of the world Glory to the light of the world Glory to the light of the world Behold your King Behold Messiah Emmanuel, Emmanuel The world waits for the miracle The heart longs for a little bit of hope Oh come, oh come Emmanuel “What do you you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. Mark 10:51
As Jesus and his disciples are leaving Jericho, a blind man named Bartimaeus shouts for Jesus to help him. He does not relent despite the crowds hushing him. Even more, he calls out to Jesus for mercy. Jesus stops and calls for him. The very people who’d shushed him must have led him before the Lord. He cannot see Jesus. I imagine him standing there awkwardly and in expectation of a miracle. Then comes the question that stills my heart. “What do you want me to do for you?” Bart wants to see. Because of Jesus’s power and Bart’s faith, his eyes are opened! His first sight…his Savior, full of joy and compassion and power! A Bible study leader asked us a few years back to close our eyes and imagine Jesus looking down at us, cupping our chin in his hands and asking this very same question: What do you want me to do for you? My instant response was healing for my dad who’s battled Multiple Sclerosis for 26 years. Then my heart ached as I imagined Jesus still gazing at me. My dad is still sick, despite decades of prayers. My second response: Jesus, I want your comfort, your peace, your healing of this ache that lumps in my throat, and for the ability to trust you when I don’t like your response. I wish it were always as simple as it was in Mark 10, but Jesus continues to meet me in my heart ache. How would you answer Jesus today if he lifted your chin to his eyes and asked you to share your biggest desire? Sometimes the process of the conversation reveals the depths of our heart’s needs. Jesus, thank you for knowing our hearts, for knowing what we need, and yet asking us anyway. Lord, we pray that you’d help us to stand before you honestly and ask for our deepest desire. Guide us in our response to your answer. Thank you that you pour out compassion on us. Thank you for meeting us in this place of vulnerable need. Increase our faith to believe you as Bartimaeus did. “Neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” John 8:11
Just like yesterday, we have a story of a woman filled with shame being met with the compassion of Emmanuel. The teachers of the law drag a woman caught in the very act of adultery out before Jesus in order to trick him. They trap him between their laws and the Roman law. If he declares her worthy of stoning, he’ll have to answer to the Romans. If he doesn’t tell them to stone her, he’ll have to answer to the Jews for breaking the law. Instead, he bends down and writes in the dirt and says that those without sin should throw the first stone. When he looks up again, the mob is gone and the woman is left standing alone. He evaded their trap and could have gone on his way, but he chooses to interact with her. I imagine her standing in like a bedsheet or with a dress halfway hanging off her. Vulnerable, alone, scoffed at, used by the teachers to trick Jesus, utterly exposed. He looks up at her and talks with her. I imagine his eyes communicating a gleaming love and worth and value that she’s never experienced before. Compassion embodied. His response is grace and truth. He doesn’t comdemn her or condone her actions. He loves on her, showers grace, and shows her the way to proceed…leave the life of sin. How do you imagine her life changed after this horrible and grace-filled experience. Jesus, thank you for loving us with your grace and not leaving us alone to deal with our messes. Thank you for defending us, for coming along side us. Help us to leave the life of sin that tries to pull at us. We pray for freedom from sin, grace in our condemning thoughts, and compassion in our brokenness. Thank you that with you is mighty power and that you are WITH us! |
AuthorHi. I'm Maggie. Current hats: Wife, mom, artist and starting this week, a devotional writer! Enthusiastic, creative, focused. I love chai tea lattes, and authentic conversations. ArchivesCategories